Dec. 13th, 2011

We Will Fight Them On The Beaches!

So maybe you’ve heard about this War On Christmas thing. As for us, we remain neutral, like Switzerland. But there is an up with which we will not put. Brand standards, people. Look, we don’t care if you fill Santa with cheap vodka or pit him against Jesus in a no-holds-barred cage match.

Leaving less than 1/4″ of clear space around the logo pisses Santa off, boys and girls.

But we do care if you don’t maintain the Jolly Fat Man’s brand standards. Which is why we’re damn glad the fine folks at QuietroomUK have produced The Definitive Brand Guide To *Santa.*

Download it, learn it, live it.

And if you’re thinking about deviating from the brand nostalgia, remember, he sees you when you’re sleeping.

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