Following similar efforts by Maxim, Micheal Castleon reports that the KFC logo is one of the first to be seen from space. One can imagine the intersellar reaction….
KANG: "Soon, Kodos! Soon, the inhabitants of this pathetic little planet will bow before us! Mwahahahaha!"
KODOS: "Yes, Kang. Your plan has worked out brilliantly. They puny humans will never…hey! What’s that!"
KANG: "It appears to be…a face! I think the humans are trying to send us a message!"
KODOS: "Perhaps they are more advanced then we thought. Obviously, this is their leader. An older, Southern gentleman, wearing a quaint string tie."
KANG: "And what’s all this about a "secret recipe?" I don’t like it. I don’t like this at all. I fear a trap."
KODOS: "As do I! And yet…I’m exhibiting a strange craving for Boneless Honey-Barbecue Colonel’s Strips."
KANG: "I too, feel this craving. We must be strong, Kodos! I totally just joined a gym!"
KODOS: "But, you’re not fat!"
KANG: "You’re just saying that. Much like our home planet of Rigel-7, I have my own twin moons. Oh, and obliterate the humans."
KODOS: "As you wish."
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