Tag Archives: logo

April 8th, 2013

Convercent Rescues Industry from Snake Pit of Mediocrity.

Hey, boys and girls! Who wants to talk about the exciting world of compliance?? WHOO HOO!!!!!!!! Now don’t fight; you’ll all get to pick a topic. There’s corporate governance, policy management, incident reporting…so many goodies to choose from!

Alright, seriously, though. No one gets excited to hear about compliance. Why? Because the GRC industry has done a commendable job of making itself feel as horrifically staid and unexciting as possible. And while the work companies do in this space certainly requires a level of formality, the solutions they offer and the way they talk about them don’t.

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May 21st, 2010

It’s Friday. Do Lighten Up, Old Bean.

This is the official logo of the 2012 Summer Olympics.


To say it's "caused a bit of a stir" is a bit like saying "The Titanic had a few bugs to work out."

But did those Londoners back down? Never, never, never! They doubled down. Not with delicious chicken sandwiches, but with this:

Presenting "Wenlock" and "Mandeville," the official mascots of the 2012 London Summer Olympic Games. 


"Yes-yes y'all!"

No, we're not kidding. They even did a video!

But you know who is kidding? The kids. As in, "The Kids, They Will Mess With Your Brand."

Let's see what you scamps have gotten up to with your PhotoShop.


Expected. (But still funny.)

"Not in our house, Chalmers!"

"Say "What the #*#$&* are those things supposed to be?" again, mother#*$er.
Say it again. I dare you!"


"Sweep the leg-like protrusion, Johnny!"

We're through the looking glass, people.


KANG: "Fooling these Earth voters is easier than expected."
"Yes. All they want to hear are bland pleasantries embellished by an occasional saxophone solo or infant kiss."

This explains so much. Enjoy the rest of your Friday – and please continue twirling, twirling, twirling to freedom.

There's more (NSFW but hilarious) fun over at Deadspin.