Apparently frogs are having a rough time as of late. Treehugger points us to Amphibian Ark, an organization committed to saving, you guessed it, frogs. One third to one half of the world’s species of frogs are in danger of extinction, and thus Amphibian Ark has dubbed 2008 the "Year of the Frog." So, help save the frogs. And kudos to Amphibian Ark for having a cool-looking logo.
One last thought. If you find yourself driving in Marin, beware. You may find yourself unwittingly taking part in the mass genocide.
Thank you for helping to raise awareness of the amphibian crisis. There is a cost, of course, for all of the rescues of endangered frogs, salamanders, and other amphibian species, and then to establish breeding programs to bring species populations back to sustainable levels. If anyone would like to consider a donation, or sign a petition to save frogs, visit
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