Jan. 10th, 2008

Feel Better In Toe Time.

Mortar client St. Mary’s Medical Center is all over the interwebs, even making VH1’s Best Week Ever thanks to an amazing toe-to-thumb replacement surgery performed on carpenter Garrett LaFever by Dr. Charles Lee and UCSF plastic surgeon Scott Hansen.  

All kidding aside, congratulations to St. Mary’s, Dr. Lee, Dr. Hansen, and especially, Mr. La Fever.


What are we saying? "All kidding aside!?" This is the Mortarblog!

We sincerely hope St. Mary’s can do cranial reattachment surgery, because our heads are about to pop off from all the funny:

“St. Mary’s. Is that a good hospital?” “Toe-tally.”

“That Garrett LaFever is all thumbs…or is he?

“Oh, man. Only one beer left. Hey, Garrett, wanna thumb-wrestle for it? Wait a minute…

“Damn, we’ve been standing here all day. We’ll never get a ride. OK, Garrett, your turn.”

OK, we’ll stop now. This is tasteless. (Toe-tally tasteless!)

No, seriously, you guys, knock it off. Get serious. (Yeah, you guys..toe the line!)

Excuse us. We should be going.

Great job, Mortar PR!

(Two thumbs up! You guys are toe-tal rock stars!)

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