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Category: Outrageous Outdoor
January 15th, 2007
Coming soon to an airport near you – ads in security trays.
December 11th, 2006
Opportunity knocks at a restroom near you.
December 11th, 2006
Milk promo soaks up the ire of the homeless.Proving once again that San Francisco is nobody’s bitch, the city’s homeless and diabetics–the chemically challenged"–rose up last week to denounce the latest salvo in Goodby’s "Got Milk" campaign–cookie scented bus shelters. In what was possibly the most impressive piece of general agency PR ever spawned by a buy of less than $5,000 and no more than 8 hours of daylight, Goodby secured nationwide headlines with its new outdoor program. Prompting a post in even this, the most august of blogs: "Scratch N’Sniff bus shelters". Mind you, considering it took the good people of our fair city just 24 hours to get the program pulled I am not sure which lobby is the most effective. Our hearts go out to the creator, Louis Zafonte of Arcade Marketing, the company behind scent strips. He pretty much watched his entire business implode last week. Rumor has it he’s a little ticked too. There’s an insight here ladies and gentleman: don’t test your wacky ideas in freaky San Francisco. December 5th, 2006
Scratch N’Sniff Bus Shelters
Local agency Goodby Silverstein snagged a generous amount of PR for long-time "Got Milk" client, the California Milk Board with five aromatic billboards in San Francisco. "Vanilla-y,” one woman said as she walked past the shelter. "Cherry undertones — and waxy,” said another woman standing inside. "These don’t smell anything like cookies my mom baked,” said a teenager. "It smells like my kid’s lunch pail,” said one man. He walked away before Louis Zafonte, vice president of Arcade Marketing, the company that "Scent is a primary driver of memory,” he said. "It can trigger wonderful The strips, no larger than a typical adult’s hand, have been strategically Read the full story on SF Gate here. |