Oct. 25th, 2006

$5 billion on Halloween?

I walk past one of those seasonal Spirit Halloween stores on my way to work each day, and it got me thinking about the business model. Found some interesting articles on the subject thanks to Ye Ole Internet. Who woulda expected such a gargantuan dollar amount in spending?

"Consumers are expected to spend $5 billion on Halloween this year, up 50 percent from $3.3 billion a year ago.

The most popular costumes each year are inevitable characters from the big screen, Acridge pays attention to movies year-round. Pirates of the Caribbean costumes are best-sellers this year, he said.

“Halloween is so pop-culture oriented,” Acridge said. “Lord of the Rings is dead and Superman is king.”

Read full article: "Trick-or-treaters spending big to get spooky Halloween".

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