Check out the new website Mortar created for the new Zivio Boom headset. Different tabs showcase places where a Zivio Boom comes in hand – er’ hands free. But proceed with viewing caution – looking at fashionable multitasking scenarios may cause feelings of inadequacy.
Thanks for deleting all my well-formulated and constructive comments. Apparently this is not really a blog.
According to the very typically “in-your-face” and “oh-so-hip” Mortar Agency in San Francisco, “Surprise! You no longer own your brand. Your customers do. People don’t accept brands at face value anymore. They mess around with them. Make demands. Deliver ultimatums. Today, successful brands evolve into communities. Tribes. Nations. And while companies are still free to create brands, only consumers have the power to control their destiny. Sure, marketers like us have to give up a bit of control. But the payoff can be pretty impressive. Your customers can now do things for your brand that mere ad campaigns only dreamed of.”
Well guess what, Mortar? Marketers “like you” at Mortar control your own brand like the Third Reich.
The so-called MortarBlog is no community, and basically removes any comments from their blogs whether it favors Mortar or not. Mortar is a poser agency that only talks about community, then quickly strikes down opinion from the community it pretends to build.
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