Feb. 23rd, 2007

Urban Spam

Screenshot_34 Love the post "Urban Spam" talking about Lazer Graffiti check out this video on Break.com.

And here is a snippet from the post at Coolz0r – Marketing Thoughts:

On the one hand this is super cool because it hasn’t been used that
much yet. On the other hand, if too much people start to do this, it
might become irritating… This is an example of that ‘beyond’. It’s an art
project, but it can easily find it’s way into the marketing and
advertising landscape. It’s not the same as the beamvertising campaign
we’ve seen earlier for Sportlife, where the images of a moving
skateboarder were projected on shopfronts and outer walls of houses in
several big cities in The Netherlands. This is ‘Laser Advertising’.
It’s alike, but not the same thing."

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