We’re not surprised if you’ve heard of Marketo. They were named the fastest-growing private company in Silicon Valley last year, after all. We’ve also blogged about them several times, and we know you’d rather not eat for a week than miss an entry on Ye Olde Mortarblog.
Riding the wave of success that just seems to keep on building, Marketo hosted its User Summit this week in San Francisco, closing with a celebratory gala on Treasure Island. 1,400 people attended, a 300% increase over their last conference. We’re no mathematicians, but that sounds purdy impressive, no?
Local history nerds will know that Treasure Island was the site of the 1939 World’s Fair. That inspired us to build a conference theme around the idea of an innovation expo, with a look and feel that harks back to 1930s art deco. The idea fit just right, since Marketo is transforming the way companies do business, in response to today’s changing customer. These guys are fo’ real innovators, much like the genius who thought up peanut butter by the slice.
Landing on the theme “Marketing & Sales for a Brave New World,” we concocted a series of striking posters, a landing page, and a swing-driven opening video in which we unironically “jazz things up.” See the work after the jump.
Congratulations to our purple-powered pals on a whoppingly successful event. And thanks for giving us a chance to do some real art for a change.
Look ma, I drawed it!
Those Egyptians did an okay job, but THIS is what we call a pyramid.
This bridge was made for the fridge.
Oh this is an island we’ll treasure, alright.
Look ma, it’s a TV commercial! Except, you know, minus the TV part.
Not only is your work dazzling (especially on the big screen), but you’re a kick to work with, to boot. Thanks for making our Summit look AMAZING!
These are amazing, really nice work!
Love it, love it, love it.