Nov. 24th, 2010

Things We Are Thankful For.

Well, for one thing, we’re glad we’re not flying this year.
We don’t want our junk touched until at least the third date.

via Boing Boing.
Apparently, this is not a new sentiment, seeing as this New Yorker cartoon is from 1938. See the rest here.

If we were flying, we’d be thankful for Hipmunk, a great little travel site that rates flights not only by price and schedule, but also factors in “agony.”  This is the kind of simple, funny, and wonderfully helpful goodness that brings your brand love beyond reason. Well done.

Speaking of goodness, we are always thankful for vodka, particularly when it comes with luxury, status…and a Viking.

Speaking of vodka, (Yes, again. Shut up.) our pals at Otis get a nice mention in this writeup of Stuff To Do In San Francisco While Everyone Is Out Of Town from The Bold Italic. Of course, if you’re ever looking for Unexpected Awesome Things to Do in San Francisco, get in touch with our girls at CarriedAway. We are thankful for friends like them – and you – most of all.

Which is why we’re giving you your Thanksgiving present early. Enjoy.


Be happy, be safe, keep the crumbs out of your non-ironic moustache…and have a very happy Thanksgiving.

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