Tag Archives: Hyundai

January 6th, 2010



"Avast, me hearties! We be plunderin' a treasure trove of sensible Korean cars! With a 10 year/10,000 mile powertrain limited warranty*!"

So we were fooling around doing brand research over at Jalopnik when we discovered this story about Somali pirates making off with a ship full of Hyundais. Like you, our first reaction was, "Hyundais? Pirates drive Hyundais?" Our second reaction was, "How many pirate jokes can we make?" (More on that in a minute.)

But what really put the wind in our sails was Hyundai PR flack Dan Bedore's Quick-Reaction Tweet:

"Even pirates seem to be switching to Hyundai." 

Running up your brand's colors in a bad situation? That be some fine P.R., fair and true.  (Our best wishes for the safe return of the crew.)

As for the rest of you scallywags, run out the guns and give us a broadside of seafarin' puntasticness in the Comments section. We'll get you started with one from a Jalopnik commenter:

"They thought the ship was filled with Honda Type …"Arrrrrrrrs""

On second thought…belay that…

*See yer scurvy dog of a dealer for limited warranty details.