Tag Archives: Branding

March 24th, 2010

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It.

The Last Advertising Agency On Earth from FITC on Vimeo.

Yeah, yeah, we know – you've seen this by now. But we're giving it some (more) gratuitous play because it has semi-nudity and people wearing bear heads not because it has semi-nudity and people wearing bear heads, but because we liked what this fellow Adam had to say about it:

"Statistically dubious, mildly patronising and about 3 years too late to
be relevant. The internet isn't going to destroy the ad agency. Blogs
aren't going to destroy TV. The internet forces a more open dialogue,
sure, and makes it harder to cover up a bad product with a good ad.
The internet is the world's largest communications tool, connecting you
with thousands of people you wouldn't otherwise be able to connect with.
Good advertising understands this. Bad advertising doesn't."

We couldn't have said it better ourselves. Wait, maybe we could have: Use the internet (and all the other media at your disposal) to talk with your audience, not at them. Right?

Via Adrants, yes, again.

March 19th, 2010

Suddenly, We Want To Twirl. Maybe In Slow-Motion.

So, why is this Kotex spot notable?
Because it's funny? Well, yes. Of course. This is the Mortarblog. But that's not the biggest reason. This spot is notable because it doesn't treat its audience like idiots. Forgetting for a moment how sad is it that Not Being Treated Like An Idiot is frickin' miraculous, let us say this: if your competitors are all doing one thing, consider doing the other. Especially if "the other" involves being honest with yourself, and with your audience. You'll know you're doing it right when you get this weird feeling of exhilaration. It comes from trusting your audience. It comes from having nothing to hide. It comes from being proud to make or sell or do whatever it is you make or sell or do. You'll be amazed at what you get in return. Well done, Kotex.

Via The Dog And Pony Show.

March 1st, 2010

Your Commute – Now With Extra Bacon.


Cross the Bay Bridge a lot? Then you’ll be seeing a lot of Mortar.  

If you didn't catch our mention on Adrants on Friday, then listen up: after a long, arduous journey not dissimilar to the Donner Party's, Our Reno Tahoe rebranding effort is taking a few baby steps into the public eye. If you're headed west over the Bay Bridge you'll see these billboards for the next year – so let us take a moment to say that while we strongly encourage a visit to Reno Tahoe, we strongly discourage whipping power u-turns mid-span. One board is powered by Twitter, so follow the tourist board @RenoTahoe if you're thinking of going up. Because a road trip to Reno Tahoe is great, but a road trip with a discount at the end of it is like a road trip wrapped in delicious bacon.

February 18th, 2010

The Brand Your Brand Could Smell Like.

Old Spice is the brand you want your brand to smell like. Let’s jump in the Wayback Machine and see how they got there.

1957 – Elvis. Chevrolet Bel-Airs. And Old-Spice… “From the laboratories of Shulton.”

1967?– Not sure what year this is, but we’d guess ’66-’67. It’s wild! Swingin’! And makes us want to drink tequila even more than usual!

1971 – “If you’re a bespectacled dork, and you like to stalk sailors…Old Spice.”

1978 – Meanwhile across the pond, Old Spice becomes an iconic…surf brand?

1978 – And on this side of the pond, you can almost hear the drunken meeting between Research and Creative: “Girls like it. Order another round and bill the client.”

1983 – Old Spice Is Not For You. Yeesh.

1990 – We’re out of ideas! Dust off the Sailor!

2000-something – Bruce Campbell! Now we’re getting somewhere. Check out the ship in the background.

2010 – The one you’ve been waiting for. They even get the YouTube “More Info” copy right: “We’re not saying this body wash will make your man smell into a romantic millionaire jet fighter pilot, but we are insinuating it.” See? That’s called “understanding the conversation.” People are clicking through to see you – so be the brand you want your brand to smell like the entire time. Jet fighters and punching, gentle readers. Jet fighters and punching. Great, great stuff.