Bacon Cups are burning up teh internetz this morning.
Since this is, ostensibly, a blog about branding and stuff we should probably write something pithy about how/why certain ideas take on a powerful life of their own and rocket around the collective cyberconsciousness.
But we’d rather just bask in the bacony goodness.
Thanks to our peeps at Yes But No But Yes for the delicious tip.
ohhhhh yeah — a BACON PARTY!
The blog-author Shauna James Ahren is a friend of Megan aka NotMartha the bacon cups maker, which happened to be served at said Bacon Party.
They also had bacon-wrapped bacon. WHOA.
…how/why certain ideas take on a powerful life of their own and rocket around the collective cyberconsciousness.
This phrase would be so much pithier if there were arugula in those bacon bowls.
I never could fit my tits into those tiny champagne glasses like Marie Antoinette could. This is a cup I could really sink my…teeth into. Can you say pork party?
xo, mo
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