Feb. 12th, 2008

Pillow Fight!

Pillowfight_2 If you are in San Francisco and are up for a bit of down-bashing, this is the place to be on Valentine’s Day. Because, really, nothing says "I love you" more than a smash in the face with a feather-filled pillow, right?

The SF Chronicle’s article on the 2006 event says:

Within minutes, pillows were arcing, feathers were flying, and by the
time the Ferry Building’s clock tower clanged the half-hour, the plaza and
hundreds of people were covered in white down that gave the scene a wintry

"I haven’t giggled so hard for a really long time,” said San
Francisco resident Amy Davis, 35.

The Flickr pool of photos from last year’s event has some killer shots. Some of them look like it is snowing from all the feathers floating in the air. Or you can watch the video of last year’s event below.


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