Bay Area realtor and blogger, Chris Iverson, (3 Oceans via SFist) offers up anecdotal evidence that newspaper classifieds are quickly becoming even less relevant than Dubya’s new "climate change" plan.
Iverson gives the following example:
I ran ads in the Palo Alto Weekly and the Open Homes sections of the San Mateo County Times (local paper) and San Francisco Chronicle. And the results? Out of 52 groups over two weekends, a total of zero came because they saw an ad in a newspaper.
Meanwhile, the listing for the house on my website has been visited 101 times, and the virtual tour on the MLS (Multiple Listings Service) and other online outlets has received over 1600 hits from nearly 200 visitors.
This is only one example (he has others) but, if you’re a classified ads salesperson, you might want to spiff up your resume.
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