For those of us of a certain age, a good part of childhood was spent jumping our Schwinns and Huffys over anything we could: trash cans, little sisters, family pets – all of us chasing the legend that was- Robert Craig “Evel” Knievel, Jr.
Pour a little holiday eggnog on the ground this weekend for a true American classic and one man brand, for the King is dead at the young – but for him, surprisingly old – age of 69. He could teach us all a lesson in self-promotion, if not motorcycle safety.
Remember the Evel Knievel Stuntcycle?
The pinball machine? The AMF-era Harley XR750?
The Snake River @*#$ing Canyon?
For bonus points – how about the movie of his life – Viva Knievel? Or the rock opera?
It’s a sad day. But it brings back some happy memories.
R.I.P., Evel. The afterlife just got a lot more entertaining.
Evel Knievel 10/17/1938 – 11/30/2007
Hey Hugh,
Remember Michael Helmstetter who lived down the block from me? He left Montclair in 7th garde I think. That spoiled F*&^ had the Evel RV set! That was kickass and we had those slate sidewalks that were awesome for jumping.
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