I have been eyeballin’ the new Volkswagen Eos hardtop convertible I have seen tooling so stylishly around town lately. Looks like a perfect city car: smooth, hip VW looks, small enough to easily park, micro-climate friendly (read: keep the hardtop up all summer when driving within the city limits of San Francisco, but put it down once you get one mile North, South, East… or in the Potrero Hill neigborhood).
I saw a banner ad for the car, and I actually clicked on it. Yes, me, a jaded advertiser, was moved enough to click a banner ad!
It took me to a site called Eos Botique, where you can buy silk scarfs, cashmere wraps, driving shoes, even a "Two in One Sculptural Coat/Blanket for Two". Beautiful items, replete with illustrations on how to wear them… here’s the double blanket:
Shannon on the blog Pierce Mattie states it perfectly:
Lutz & Patmos, Hable Construction, and Sigerson Morrison are the designers involved in the new lifestyle accessory line found at the Eos Boutique. There is no other car company doing cross branding like this. Volkswagen may have hit the mark by knowing the type of style-addicts their owners are, seeking out fashion designers that can create a lifestyle accessory line that meets their distinct sense of sophistication and appreciation of quality.
I fear for humanity when one can take seriously a two-headed blanket that costs $525(!)
And let us not forget that Isadora Duncan’s Eos Boutique-inspired scarf led to her own tragic demise.
What is hip — tell me tell me — do you think you know? Vee-Dub’s been pleasing lovers of unique and inspired design sense for over half a century. Nothing new, surprising or noteworthy here. Hate to break it to you, but you’re not jaded yet.