When we first discovered Eat24 – an online service that allows us to order food without having to deal with human beings – we wept tears of joy. When we found them sitting in our conference room, a certain copywriter who shall remain nameless burst into the meeting and said, “You guys are Eat24? I f#*!ing love you guys!” …and the business was ours. A few months later, new work is beginning to break. Work like this right here. Enjoy.
In which our hero grabs some well-deserved me-time. Mmmm. Hero. Wonder where you could
order one of those for takeout and/or delivery?
Sloths are not lazy. They’re just conserving energy. We’d tell you to write that one down, but the
pen and paper are way…over…there.
We’re not saying you should order Eat24 for every meal, but if you did, you could make every shelf
in your refrigerator The Beer Shelf.
The more you know.
Let the eagle soar! (Especially if you’ve got a trained eagle who brings you delicious food.
If not, Eat24 can help.)
I love your fucking advertisements.
The sloth one should be like, youtube adveritsement of the year. Seriously lol.