Category: Weblogs
October 26th, 2012

Thanks for Your Feedback (Even if You Just Wanted the Cash).

Thank you to all who took our survey last month. We’re tickled to learn that some of you actually read (and even enjoy) the crap we write. You gave us some great feedback and ideas, and we’re gonna do our darnedest to incorporate them as we gallop down this golden, blogpost-covered road.

Massive congratulations to Deanna Flores, winner of the $50 Amazon gift card. We can’t wait to see what she buys with it. 25 chip clips? A gently used Chewbacca costume? The possibilities are, in a word, endless.


July 13th, 2012

10 Companies Whose Logos Used to Suck.

Okay, people. Something freaky-maleakey is up. Not only is today Friday the 13th – it’s the third one we’ve had this year. You know what that means. Watch your back today, is all we’re sayin’.

In the spirit, here’s a Friday-kind-of-post for y’all: a then-and-now look at the logo transformations of 10 of today’s biggest companies. It’s worth a gander – the original marks are near unrecognizable. Kind of like how some of the best-looking people start out as the ugliest babies.

For starters, Shell’s first logo looks like a moody 8-year-old drew it. And can you imagine if McDonald’s had blossomed into an international barbecue franchise? “McBBQ” just doesn’t sound right to us. Not one bit.

Of the vintage logos, Kodak and Xerox are probably our favorites. What’re yours?


January 19th, 2011

You Have Already Seen This. See It Again.


So when Things Real People Don't Say About Advertising hit the Tumblrz last week, our in-box just about blowed up. At first, we weren't going to blog it, because we figured  – you're hip, you're a connossieur, you'll find it on your own. But two things changed our mind: One, it's really funny, and we can't resist funny. Two, it's a living exhibition of something we tell our clients all the time – no one wakes up in the morning excited about ads. Not even yours. 


May 5th, 2010

Conan’s People Get Us. They Really Really Get Us.

With a headline like "Reno: It's Like Vegas But Without All The Douchebags!" you'd think we were Conan O'Brien's roadies. Or you'd think Team CoCo had part-time gigs as brand strategists at Mortar. But it ain't like that at all. What it is like is this – we freaking told you so! 



There is good, cheap, non-douchey fun to be found in the Biggest Little City. (And alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.) Go check it out for yourselves!
Just don't tell the you-know-whos.

Thanks, Team CoCo!