Apr. 4th, 2018

Remember the lesson of the Greeks.

During the siege of Troy, the invading Greeks hid a small number of troops inside a huge wooden horse and placed it at the city’s gate. Thinking it a symbol of surrender, the unwitting Trojans pulled the horse inside. That night the secreted Greeks crept out and opened the gate for the rest of their army, destroying the city and ending the war.

Every marketer needs to be able to tell the difference between promise and threat.

To make smart decisions, we should always listen to the wisdom of colleagues—but let’s not forget to also pay attention to critics. Just as the voice of caution could have saved the Trojans, so too could a dose of objective, collaborative third-party thinking (from, oh we don’t know, these guys?) ensure you’re headed for victory.

Looking to mount a new marketing effort? Drop us an email at: heythere@mortaragency.com. We’ll make sure you ride off with the spoils.

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