Feb. 14th, 2018

What can the Donner Party teach you about Marketing? Well, chew on this…

In 1846, a group of pioneers led by George Donner set out for California from Independence, Missouri.  Looking to reach the golden state more quickly, Donner chose an unproven shortcut, stranding the travelers in the Sierra Nevada mountains in the middle of winter and resulting in the death of nearly half the party.  Many survivors turned to cannibalism.

The beginning of a new journey is exciting, but we must guard against making the big — what Mortar calls — Strategic Decisions too quickly.  The best path often needs to include asking what if? What might happen if we actually succeed? Or fail? What happens next?

Avoid unwanted A-ha moments by gathering your team to tease out the possibilities before you hit the road – and make sure to pack some hot sauce just in case. Need better directions? Drop us an email: heythere@mortaragency.com

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