Feb. 6th, 2009

The Mortar Recession Kit – Now More Than Ever.

Hey, remember back at Christmas, the Holiday Recession Kit? Well, it’s back, now in Minty-Fresh Non-Holiday Form. We made a couple slight changes: The Magic 8-Ball that leaked all over the place is gone, replaced by dice. Much handier in a recession. And the liquor is replaced by a coupon for liquor, which is also much handier, because it puts our crack bartending team at your service, and they make a mean cocktail. So visit the site, fill out the form, and let’s have a drink. Or start a crap game. It’s a good way to network, and a better way to stave off the impending apocalypse.


"Give us the drink coupons and just walk away!"

After all, we’ve got to stick together in times like these. Now more than ever.

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