There are many causes that Mortar holds dear- Fair Trade USA, the ASPCA, Martini Awareness Month- however we are proud to announce one cause close to our heart has launched a brand spanking new website.
With Mortar’s help, A HOME WITHIN, a non-profit organization right here in San Francisco dedicated to the mental stability of foster children, has gone live with a beautiful new website to match the beautiful work they do for kiddies around the nation.
For foster kids tossed around until they are kicked out of the system at 18, A HOME WITHIN provides stability and mental support. They match at-risk foster children with therapists and allow them to maintain a relationship regardless of age, location or finances. A HOME WITHIN launched their new site in May to mark Foster Care Awareness Month. With programs like Fostering Art, A HOME WITHIN supports creativity and mental stability in an very overlooked—but needy–population.
Mortar is proud to have been apart of the branding, brochure production and website design for A HOME WITHIN. Hopefully this website will allow A Home Within to reach more kids, connect with more clinicians and grab more funding (hint, hint).