Tag Archives: Charitable Giving

December 3rd, 2009

The Mortar Foundation: Helping You Do That Voodoo That You Do.

Presenting The Mortar Foundation – the charitable arm of our humble agency.

The Foundation’s aim is to do good wherever we can, not by just handing out bundles of cash willy-nilly, but by maximizing the impact of the good works people like you do. On Friday, December 4, we’ll be up on the podium at Golden Gate University, handing out our first grants to three very worthy recipients: minority female students who work full-time and need a little help to complete their studies and earn their undergraduate degrees. Our funds not only help these hardworking students get ahead, they give us a chance to stay closely involved with one of our oldest and most loyal clients. It's a win-win-win-win-win situation, which has to be some kind of first.  Congratulations to the winners, and stay tuned for lots more good news about lots more good works. (Lord knows we’ve got enough to make up for.)