Category: Current Affairs
March 22nd, 2013

Unexpected Solar Eclipse? Or Eat24 and Snoop Lion’s Giant, Billowing Cloud Of Awesome?

What’s going on? Is this a giant, unexpected solar eclipse? Were the Mayans right after all? Oh. No. Wait. It’s just Eat24’s giant cojones, blocking out the sun. Taking the D.I.Y. ethos to new heights, they just decided to show up at SXSW with a giant bag of weed and a camera and oh, hey, is that Snoop Lion? Yes. Yes it is.


Snoop gets familiar with the Eat24 App. And guess who is now the Official Sponsor of Snoop’s (quite likely prodigious) Munchies? It’s perhaps the greatest product demonstration since the old Master Lock ad from the 1970’s. Well done.

February 6th, 2013

Superbowl Ad Recap: Less Talking Animal, More Oil-Drenched Cookie.

For those of you who were face-deep in the guac during the commercials, enjoy our biased topline summary. For those of you who missed the game entirely, be glad your face muscles got to relax rather than violently cringe while watching the 49ers try to defend the pass. Any pass. Eesh. The 34-minute blackout was more fun to watch than that shoulda-been-a-comeback final play. It’s ok, though, because GIANTS. And now a message from our sponsors.

The ones that made us laugh:

Oreo, “Whisper Fight”

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February 4th, 2013

GGU Rules the Superbowl; Meets Dashon Goldson Along the Way.

There are some things that only happen once in a lifetime. Like a snowflake made of human skydivers. Or your hometown’s team making it to the Superbowl. With the San Francisco 49ers headed for football’s biggest night, Mortar’s media team knew this opportunity was rare. We also knew that Comcast Sportsnet Bay Area – the authority for 49ers coverage – was sending their entire team to broadcast live from New Orleans. Which made it the perfect opportunity for a local brand to reach a captive SF audience…

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January 16th, 2013

The Kids, They Will Mess With Your Brand, Chapter 3.

We’ve said it before



…and we’ll probably say it again: The Kids, They Will Mess With Your Brand.

May we present to you the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer.


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January 2nd, 2013

Mortar Wins. And So Does 2012.

We’re not usually ones to brag, unless it’s to brandish the shiny pair of Ron Swanson-approved steak saws we got for Christmas. But now that 2012 is gone like Dick Cheney’s hair, we figured we should mention a couple things we won this year. Mortar scooped up two Silver Awards in the 2012 Davey Awards, the largest and most prestigious small agency competition. We owe the accolades to our integrated work for Carondelet Health Network and direct mail campaign for Marketo. Congratulations to our clients. Let the back-patting commence…now.

We’re delighted to point out we were far from the only winners this year.



Airport traveler Jonah Falcon won some serious ego points when his record-large man-parts earned him a frisking at SFO. Yes, that’s what we said.



Stoners rejoiced (if you can call it that) when Washington and Colorado legalized recreational pot. We’re sure the CEO of Totino’s is equally elated.


love is love

Massachusetts, Maine, and Washington declared same-sex marriage legal. For more and more people, love’s future is open wide.



(photo credit: Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)

And to put icing on the victory cake, our beloved Giants took the World Series for the second time in three years. Sadly, one Muni bus severely lost. For shame! When will we learn that “celebrate good times” is not synonymous with “destroy public property”? We all have aspirations of achieving such things; but then again, character demands restraint. And that is likely the only time you will hear us utter the word “restraint” in 2013.