Progressive actions go along way with consumers. Companies must stand for more than a place for people to work and making some money. Lifting your brand to a cause, something for people to look to or feel proud to be a part of, can pay off well in the end. Some companies set up foundations; some just simply contribute money to a worthwhile charity of choice. Some can get creative about it…
Starbucks has launched a new campaign for their holiday blends. In the true spirt of the holidays, instead of spending budget toward bus shelters or billboards, Starbucks is giving out thousands of sweet gestures (in NY its MetroCards, Chicago gets free movie passes, etc) along with numbered pay-it-foward cards. As people recieve they can log when and where they got the card then give it again. Individuals can track how far and wide their gesture ventures. Check it out – half social experiment and half buzz campaign!!
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