Tag Archives: AMC

January 26th, 2010



How annoying was the whole Obama-Unauthorized-Weatherproof-ad-thing?

Did you have to do this?

"No, Mom, we don't think he posed." 

"No, Mom, it's not technically illegal." 

"No, Mom, it's just not done. Because it's not. Because it's not. What? We're not "taking a tone" with you. What? Yes, we're getting enough sleep. No. No. NO. Mom. MOM. We gotta go. No. Yes. OK. Soon. Our prostate!? Mom! Gah!" 

So we were delighted to see this clever spoof on behalf of one of the very best shows you're not watching, AMC's Breaking Bad. Check it out if you have the time.

Via our pals at AdRants.